Brillnet Global

Employer can manage: Hire Employee, Manage Company Documents, Employees Time Sheets, Manage Employees And he can also see: TASKS, REQUESTS, DOCUMENTS EXPIRY

Unified Platform for ERP, Project planning, Invoicing etc...

  • Automated Workflows:
    1. Employee Onboarding
    2. Document Library
    3. Timesheet Mangement
    4. vendor/Client Invoice Automation
    5. Employee Handbooks
    6. Benfits Documnets
    7. Employee Agreements
  • Compliance Management
    1. Document Validity
    2. Document Expiry & Renewal Alerts

Amazing Products for your needs Businees and Educational Purpose

  • meeting
  • Screen sharing
  • Recordings
  • Interviews
  • Schedule Meetings and Automated Reminders for Schedule